155 Church StreetNick Tozer Railway Books

155 Church Street, Paddock, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD1 4UJ, U.K.
Email: nick@railwaybook.com          https://www.facebook.com/NickTozerRailwayBooks 
Tel: 01484 518159 (answer machine out of hours)

ASLE&F Retired Member

In addition to using my Mail-Order Service customers are cordially invited to visit my shop in Huddersfield.  With thousands of titles on display, on over three hundred feet of shelving, my shop contains probably the largest stock of secondhand railway books in the North-East of England.


01484 518159

Shop hours: Tuesday / Wednesday 11:00-17:00 & Thursday 14:00-20:00

[Answer machine outside of these hours]



The SHOP will be OPEN

Saturday 21st/28th & Sunday 22nd/29th December

14:00 – 17:00

Otherwise the shop is now Closed until 7th January 2025

(mail orders will be despatched when Royal Mail accept)

Tuesday / Wednesday 11:00-17:00 & Thursday 14:00-20:00

[Answer machine outside of these hours]





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Books Purchased
I am always interested in purchasing good quality second-hand railway books.
I will purchase single books up to entire collections. Please send lists to me at the address above.

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